Brad Newman

Hey there! My name is Brad Newman. I’m a developer based out of sunny Tampa, Florida. I’ve been a developer for ten years now, and I am proficient in several languages and design patterns. Currently, my passion revolves around Isomorphic Javascript. I love learning new technologies and languages in my spare time.

I’m a developer by trade, but it’s not all-consuming of my life, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about myself outside of the development world.

Living in Florida for the past 14 years, I’ve developed a deep affection for all things salt life. As such, I have a 90-gallon reef aquarium that utilizes much of the free time I have. The ocean makes it look easy, just existing as it does, but maintaining and keeping a coral reef alive in your living room takes more time, energy, and perfection than you could really imagine.

When I’m not up to my elbows in salt water, I love to bang out some riffs on my guitar. I’ve been a musician since Junior High and that is a passion that will never burn out. I’ve passed that talent and passion on to my 12 year old daughter, who is currently learning and loving to play as well. She is going to be an animator in her later life; she’s extremely talented already and I can see her only blossoming as the beat goes on.

I have a 6 year old son, too. He’s the coolest guy you could ever meet and an all around boy, in every sense of the phrase. He loves his technology, and while I’d like to take credit for it, I think it’s mostly just the times we live in.

Feel free to browse my repositories and view some of the things that I work on in my spare time.