Brad Newman

Often I find myself without bandwidth and in need of interaction with an API for a front-end project I may be working on. Initially, I thought that I would be able to browse around Github and locate a repo that contained a quick and easy REST API I could spin up with node. It is true that I found many potential candidates. However, the projects I found were bloated with extra stuff that I really did not need or care about. When I am putting a schema together for a backend, the last thing that I am worried about is testing. On that note, is it really that hard to add testing packages later on in the process? Well, I think that is enough ranting from me. On to it.

A simple REST API with MongoDB interaction can be found here. Instructions on getting up and running are located below. Enjoy!

Table of Contents

Quick Start - Assuming you have MongoDB installed.

Installing MongoDB

Adding Your Own Schema

Available Endpoints

Importing Sample Data


Installing MongoDB

If you have not already installed Mongo. You can find installs here:

MongoDB Site

Windows - After Install

If you are running Windows assure that you have the following environment variable: PATH=%PATH%;C:/Program Files/MongoDB/Server/3.2/bin/

Note: The path may vary depending on the current Mongo version.

Mac - After Install

You will need to set a Path variable in you .bash_profile in order to start Mongo from the command line.

  1. From the command line it is easier to locate your Mongo path for copy paste. Type: find / -name 'mongod'.
  2. Look for the path that ends with bin/mongod.
  3. Replace the path here with the path you just copied: echo "PATH=/your/path/here/bin/:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile . ~/.bash_profile

Adding Your Own Schema

Below I will show a brief example of how to add additional models to your schema. I have created an example schema for users. Feel free to skip to step 3 if you are not looking to add anything else.

Step 1

Create a mongoose model and schema in the server/models folder to represent the JSON structure you want to interact with.

Example Usage users.js:

import mongoose from 'mongoose';

const userModel = mongoose.model('user', new mongoose.Schema({
  email: { type: String, index: true },
  username: { type: String, required: true },
  firstName: { type: String },
  lastName: { type: String },
  permissions: {
    admin: { type: Boolean }

export default userModel

Step 2

Import your model into server/server.js and onto step 3.

Step 3

Serve the model in the server/server.js file.

restify.serve(router, userModel);

Step 4

Modify the config file here: server/config.js

const config = {
    'database': 'test', // Whatever you would like to name your database.
    'port': 3000,
    'host': 'mongoDB://localhost:27017/'


Don’t forget to install packages:

npm install

Starting MongoDB:

Mac: npm run mongo-mac
Windows: npm run mongo-win

Run the server:

In a new terminal window.

npm run start-server 

Available Endpoints

 GET http://localhost/api/v1/user/count
 GET http://localhost/api/v1/user
 POST http://localhost/api/v1/user
 DELETE http://localhost/api/v1/user

 GET http://localhost/api/v1/user/:id
 GET http://localhost/api/v1/user/:id/shallow
 PUT http://localhost/api/v1/user/:id
 POST http://localhost/api/v1/user/:id
 PATCH http://localhost/api/v1/user/:id
 DELETE http://localhost/api/v1/user/:id

Importing Sample Data

If you would like to import sample data.

Step 1

Assure that MongoDB is running, or you have run the npm run mongo-mac in another terminal window.

Step 2

From the command line run the following:

mongoimport --db test --collection users --drop --file sampleData.json --jsonArray

Note: replace the word test in the string above with whatever you have named your database.


Need help building or interacting with your API? I highly suggest looking at Postman